
Our 5G network

Fast, reliable, low-latency and real-time connectivity for billions of IoT devices

IoT: The future of 5G

For mobile users, 5G is a state-of-the-art revolution, but it’s mainly businesses that will benefit from its potential to accelerate their digital transformation and reinvent their production systems.

5G’s Ultra High-Speed and previously unimaginable reaction times open up new perspectives of use in many sectors such as Smart City, healthcare, transportation, and especially Industry 4.0.

Complementary to other technologies, 5G also meets the requirements of critical applications, such as autonomous vehicles, tele-surgery, or industrial robotics.

To connect your devices in 5G, choose Objenious’ XXL plans, specifically designed to meet your data-intensive IoT needs, or contact us to create a custom plan that fits your requirements.


Unprecedented technological advantages

Massive IoT

Initially developed for IoT, 5G can theoretically support up to a hundred times more connected devices than 4G. Soon, it will be possible to connect millions of devices per km²

10 times less latency

With a data transmission time of just one millisecond, 5G makes it possible for new connected services requiring real-time response, such as autonomous vehicles or telemedicine, to become a reality

10 times more throughput

With its ultra-high-speed connection, 5G offers throughput that is 10 times faster than that of 4G, providing an ideal solution, for instance, for continuous connectivity requirements like video surveillance


What are the benefits of 5G?

5G brings innovations that go beyond simple improvements to existing protocols. Composed of a multitude of transmitters/receivers that can each focus the signal in a specific area, 5G antennas become active and incorporate intelligence to provide throughput and performance that are tailored to the specific needs of each connected device.

Seamless data exchange, multiplied bandwidth, and instantaneous interactions are the main promises of the 5G network.


4G and 5G: complementary networks

4G and 5G go hand in hand! The complementary nature of the networks enables better connectivity, particularly in dense urban areas where 5G is being deployed as a priority before gradually expanding to the rest of France.

5G is compatible with LTE-M.

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