
The IoT technologies behind the «smartization» of the world

20 June 2024
We are living in increasingly “smart” environments. We now speak of Smart Home for our houses or Smart Building for the buildings where we work. Tomorrow’s city will be a Smart City, where our journeys will take place in Smart Cars guided by Smart Traffic technologies.

For these different environments to become “intelligent,” it primarily involves feeding a platform governed by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, and to do that, objects must be able to communicate and therefore share information.

Let’s unveil the familiar objects in our various environments that operate thanks to cellular IoT (Internet of Things), including NB-IoT, LTE-M, 4G, and 5G, all of which are technologies offered by Objenious, the brand dedicated to IoT from Bouygues Telecom.

Connected Home: IoT at the Service of a Smart Home

Electromagnetic (or radio) waves are now at the heart of our homes and allow many everyday objects to be wirelessly connected. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies rely on the use of these types of waves connected to a local network. They are very practical even if they are not infallible, especially regarding security and the range of the connection. In addition to these technologies, for certain functionalities that require some stability, it may be essential to use cellular IoT technology instead. This is especially the case for Linky electric meters, some water meters, and heating solutions with connected thermostats.

In these cases, 4G is an essential technology. It is used either on its own – as is the case with electric meters – or combined with a second technology. For example, water meters in some buildings are connected through a combination of Bluetooth and 4G technologies. It’s a cluster system that allows for just one SIM card at the bottom of the building, and all meters share their information via a local Bluetooth network.

Data Intelligence, the City, and Transport: The Smart City

Another advantage of cellular IoT is that when humans become mobile, the technology does as well. On the way to work or on vacation, the flow of traffic is intense. Thanks to 4G/5G, it’s possible not only to count the number of vehicles that pass but also to smooth traffic during peak hours by transmitting real-time information to traffic lights, for example.

The use of these technologies also represents a challenge in traffic management and energy management, especially in a world where electric vehicles are becoming widespread. Indeed, electric car users can geolocate charging stations and their availability thanks to the combination of two cellular IoT technologies: 4G and LTE-M. Similarly, but with NB-IoT this time, it is possible to find unoccupied parking spaces to park quickly.

Regarding reducing energy expenses, public lighting can be connected with NB-IoT or LTE-M. A Smart lighting solution allows monitoring the state of the lighting installations, controlling them remotely, and choosing their light intensity, all in real-time. Coupled with a motion detector, the solution could automatically turn on the streetlights depending on the presence of users in the affected areas or turn them off.

Within the Smart city, the lives of users also improve thanks to the optimization of common needs like waste, glass, or deposit collection. Thanks to IoT sensors, people in charge of organizing the collection rounds can anticipate necessary or unnecessary movements. By connecting collection bins with LTE-M or NB-IoT, the manager optimizes the collectors’ routes based on their fill rate.

For public transportation, buses and trams are also equipped (or can be equipped) with two 4G SIM cards and soon in 5G. This connectivity serves various aspects of service management:

  • On the one hand, the aspect of safety because the video surveillance center can see in real-time what is happening inside a carriage or vehicle.
  • On the other hand, the cellular IoT connection of the ticketing system allows knowing the number of people present in the vehicles and therefore optimizing the lines and schedules.
  • And finally, there is telemetry which has the ability to track moving objects. Thanks to this, the manager will be able to improve his service and notably, better inform users about the waiting times before the arrival of a bus or tram through tracking displays.

Furthermore, telemetry also helps to improve service to users of soft mobility. Thanks to 4G, electric bikes and scooters can be connected. A significant advantage for fleet managers of such items who can geolocate their assets at the end of the day for recharging, maintenance, or simply redistributing them in the city according to the needs of users.

Cellular IoT at the service of maintenance and building intelligence

Talking about Smart building to describe a building implies the use of IoT sensors. In the industry, this practice is quite common, with IoT sensors placed on the various machines used and allowing tracking of different statuses and information concerning them. IoT then serves both for maintenance of machines in a production line, for example, and for general services that must ensure the good functioning of the building. Some sensors can detect water leaks by picking up sounds. As soon as an abnormal sound is detected on the pipes, the sensor sends an alert via 4G technology or NB-IoT / LTE-M.

Similarly, this type of sensor is used for predictive maintenance and fault detection thanks to the noises emitted by the machine, the temperature it reaches, or the frequency of sounds it emits. This type of sensor is capable of hearing ultrasounds and infrasounds, which facilitates the analysis of its internal wear degree, undetectable to the human ear.

This solution is also used for predictive maintenance of elevators and allows scheduling interventions, not according to a calendar rhythm, but based on the data reported by the different sensors. When the technician intervenes, he arrives with the parts to change, if necessary, avoiding an emergency intervention and the inconveniences of being immobilized for an indefinite period.


As you will have understood, the smartization of objects is only possible thanks to IoT technologies, especially cellular IoT. They collect information that allows AIs to analyze data and possibly automate actions if necessary. The connection of IoT and AI technologies enables our environment to become increasingly intelligent for the comfort and safety of all.

And you, do you already know which technologies to use for your IoT project? The Objenious teams are at your disposal to listen and guide you in this choice.”

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