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Mutualised plans, the key to peace of mind

1 July 2024
Do your connected devices handle a significant volume of data? Are you concerned about updating your devices or spikes in consumption?

Choose peace of mind by opting for a pooled data plan. Let’s take a closer look at a very useful practice for data-intensive uses.

Mutualisation in the Cellular IoT

Mutualisation involves combining resources to optimize access to these resources and their profitability. In the context of cellular Internet of Things (IoT), it refers to the pooling of your data consumption allowances. This principle, offered by Objenious, allows you to meet needs that require volume, flexibility, simplicity, and budget optimization.

Smoothing your consumption

Mutualisation allows you to even out your consumption, compensating high traffic with low traffic. Connected equipment consumption is often uneven. Some devices may occasionally overconsume or underconsume, and the budgetary impact is significant.

la mutualisation

For example, consumption may be divided as follows:

  • Card 1 : 28GB
  • Card 2 : 2GB
  • Card 3 : 15GB

t’s quite possible that the first card will end up overconsuming and the second will underconsume by the end of the month. A standard plan would meet individual consumption needs but not take into account your collective requirements. With a pooled data plan, your consumption is distributed based on a global data allowance to optimize your costs.

Reduce your bills and increase your ROI

Indeed, a data allowance enables you to distribute your consumption according to your usage and meet the unique needs of each company. In other words, no more extra costs associated with billing. Pooled plans smooth out your billing and combat the fluctuations related to your individual consumption. Your billing fully meets your overall data needs and adapts to your consumption to fully meet your business needs.

Discover the 60 GB and/or 30 GB pooled data plans dedicated to data-intensive uses.